Tag Archives: Dripsndrops

Still Moving

Koleksi ini di dedikasin khusus untuk merayakan kebebasan bersuara, bergerak, berlari dan melompat melalui Bola Basket. Meruntuhkan dominasi kelas, tidak peduli ras hitam atau putih, Bola Basket menjadi bahasa gerak universal yang bisa dinikmati semua etnis. Perpaduan gaya berpakaian Hip-hop dan Basket dikombinasikan dengan elemen grafiti khas Dripsndrops. Menghadirkan koleksi produk berupa Bola basket, Duffle […]

Laia’s Vibes

How is the Barcelona graffiti scene currently? Anything interesting?  Graffiti in Barcelona remains the same. Crazy. I feel too many people painting the same things, similar to a theme park.  Perhaps very good for tourists but not so much for the locals.  Despite that, it’s the city where I was born and raised so I love it […]

Kolaborasi Baliho Politik dan Grafiti

ARIAN 13 Katanya dulu pernah coba bikin-bikin grafiti. itu bener ga tuh? Nggak benar. Yang ada, dulu jaman SMP dan SMA, suka vandal tembok-tembok saja dengan nama-nama band kesukaan, LOL! Pas masih SMA dulu sekali pernah ikut lomba graffiti di SMAN 2 Bandung, dan jadi juara pertama. Temanya, Kebangkitan Pancasila. DOUBLE LOL! Selalu ingin membuat […]

Monkey business the sequel – rebirth of prime

Monkey business the sequel – rebirth of prime Artist: KATUN The concept behind this monkey business 2 is about celebrating the evolution of katun signature ape in collaboration with dripsndrops from the beginning of their journey till the present. High Casted High Impact Resin Hand Painted 13 CM Tall Edition of 50 Katun profile: Here to […]

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